Thursday, October 05, 2006

OK, the fucking pig named Foley just came out of the closet...

But he now blames "child abuse" as his excuse for his explicit predatory emails to a 16 year old boy.

What a hypocrit.

The conservatives are now attacking the victim.. mind you, a 16 year old boy. Matt Drudge, famed media whore and right wing air bag, says the boys egged Foley on and were playing him for all he's worth. Can you believe this? Matt Drudge is not worth the toilet paper I wipe my democratic ass with. But it gets worse. Michael Savage, also a conservative douche-bag, called this adolescent a "sleaze ball" who "went to Washington to get ahead". Where is the accountability of the 51 year old man who started these conversations with these kids in the first place. Damn the bible bashers for blaming the victims.

I say Foley, you are a disgrace to not only ALL homosexuals, but also a disgrace to humanity itself. Drudge and Savage are too busy jacking off from the excitement of being clever -- but when the kleenex drops, they too are disgraces to humanity.


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