Friday, September 02, 2005

Fifty Percent


That's the percentage of bottoms who actually show up.

That has been my percentage for the past 2 years. Sadly kind of like a golf handicap or bowling average.

It happened again tonight, although this one just seemed to think that a message at 12:30AM makes up for not standing by a commitment to meet at 10PM. It's 2AM now and I'm still steamed.

I wonder where these guys are playing? There must be an abundance of Tops if they can just jack us around. I take an invitation to play as a serious thing -- an appointment that deserves all professional courtesy. Heck, just good manners would be nice.

I usually demand to meet at a bar first. That way I can salvage the evening with friends if I get stood up. I thought the one tonight was mature enough to not need this step...

...I guess I was wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An abundance of Tops? I wish - always 3 bottoms for every Top over here. And the Tops are as likely to not show as the bottoms are :( It's a sad fact of life - some people are arseholes

2:54 PM  
Blogger Lthrbound said...

Was being quite facetious! I just can't figure out why every other bottom flakes and doesn't show up when I give an invite -- they must be getting play somewhere and it isn't with the tops I know.

Can honestly say I have never stood up any bottom for a session (at lest without a call far in advance). I take the commitment very seriously.

The ratio is the same here... where are you at?



5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a bottom, into bondage, spanking, being used on a cross, horse, f bench, whateve.

I have always "showed up" and have usually been happy with the top. (The one exception is the top who wanted to spank me, but insisted on continually hitting my legs instead of my butt. Less padding, more chance of damage.)

I do like the mystery of not knowing what is going to happen.

I learned from an AVATAR member in Minneapolis, how inappropriate it is to disturb an ongoing scene. Some people don't know proper decorum. Those hosting an event should be told of the conduct of people who cross the line. Primarily so that they can take action (warning or expelling, as appropriate) so the individual doesn't interfere with other scenes (or not be invited back.)

Your not disturbing his scene was good, and your ending your scene before your bottom became concerned was excellent.

I would hope to play with tops like you always.

btmboyfordad AT yahoo

9:30 AM  
Blogger Lthrbound said...

Of course, I agree fully ;)

This guy was not an Avatar member. But neither am I (long story - but they deemed me not worthy when voted on 2 years ago)

1:50 AM  

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